Saturday, May 1, 2010

On the 27 th Storey of the Marina Bay Suites, you will find,

A) A Quite Corner to get away from the hustle and bustle of all the daily stress in life to enjoy the peace and tranquility afforded here. You could read, relax, meditate or even just sit and enjoy the quite for a while.

For those who prefer a more vigorous way to work out the stress there is always the

B) Yoga Deck to work out the kinks in your body and start stretching some of those unused or even stressed out muscles.

C) With the Sky Cabana, you could lay out and watch the clouds racing along the clear blue skies far from the maddening traffic below. Have a short siesta to relax and recharge your batteries

D) The Massage Terrace is the perfect spot to get a massage after your yoga work out and get those knotted up muscles relaxed and unknotted under a clear blue sky.

E) The Tea Deck would then be the perfect place to cap everything off with some invigorating drinks and even a light snack to make you feel on top of the world.

The Marina Bay Suites is really the place to stay to enjoy the best lifestyle amidst the hustle and bustle of our modern day life.

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